One book leads to another...

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Communal Places - E


Communal Places for Literary Enthusiasts

E   The Eclipse Bookstore in Bellingham, Wa, is a veritable oasis for book lovers.  Two stories of unique books, used and rare, are carefully shelved - floor to ceiling - while low stacks on polished floors patiently await perusal and purchase or a more visible place on a shelf once one becomes available. Soft music complements the atmosphere from the ground-floor view of Bellingham Bay to welcoming reading nooks down below. Leave your cares and your timepiece in the car; the visit may take a while. But it will be well worth it!



What is the title of the oldest book you own?


“Books to the Ceiling. Books to the sky. My pile of books is a mile high. How I love them! How I need them! I’ll have a long beard by the time I read them.” ~ Arnold Lobel


  1. Hi Diedre - yes I'm seriously worried now - I might too grow a beard by the time I read all mine! I've a few from the late 1800s ... and I can't tell you the titles right now! Cheers Hilary

    1. Haha! Same here ;-) I think the oldest book I own is "A Cartoon Guide of Arizona" by Reg Manning - in 1938! It includes a recipe for how to make petrified wood.


Any thoughts? Join the conversation, comments welcome here!