Welcome Readers and fellow Writers, to the July 2018 virtual meeting of
the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Founded by author Alex Cavanaugh
and comprised of writing members just like you (and me), featuring writing tips,
resources, articles, contests and IWSG swag! See what we’re all talking about here and join us as we share our writing
we meet on the first Wednesday of every month, but as tomorrow is the 4th
of July, many of us may be busy celebrating. Enjoy!
my word count has drastically dropped since
my last post. I’m quite sure I am ineligible for the 500 Club – have you heard
of it? 500 words per day. Easy, right? Clearly, I’ve had a little trouble
staying on my writing course of late. But I have, however, pounded the
lettering off of my 10-key. This too
shall pass, as will any obstruction along your course as well – you’ll see!
As far as
writing goals, all I ever wanted to do was write. Over time, three things
occurred to me in route to my writing Polaris that have
served as proverbial carrots; not only keeping my goals in sight but expanding
them as well. #1: Much as I loved journaling, I discovered a tendency to tweak
chronicles of tedium into missives of near-fantastical fiction – and I liked
it! I liked it so much I wanted to share it. #2: Thanks to encouragement from
casual readers, I wanted to be published. And #3: I had a lot to learn about
the publishing industry. For instance, Traditional publication requires that
you’re either extremely talented – or very
fortunate, and even then, it’s not a given. Independent publication mandates ultimate
ambition and an unwavering belief in yourself as a writer with the capacity to
be your own Star.
Are you a
stargazer? You can see the roadmap to the Milky Way via the Summer Triangle in
the eastern sky tonight!
Fun fact for Crime Writers:
Although it is legally (and morally) forbidden for lawyers to offer
counsel, clients sometimes seek advice before committing a crime.
Happy Writing!