One book leads to another...

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

IWSG April 2021 - Spring is in my hair


Welcome readers, writers, authors, and bloggers!

For the fourth time this year, it’s the First Wednesday of the month when we celebrate IWSG Day, in the form of a blog hop featuring all of the members of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Founded by Alex Cavanaugh and fostered by like-minded associates, IWSG is a place to share the fabulous views and exciting news that occurs along our fascinating writing journeys. Pull up a chair and join us!

Our awesome co-hosts for this month’s posting of the IWSG are: 

PK Hrezo, Pat Garcia, SE White, Lisa Buie Collard, and Diane Burton!


It’s National Poetry Month, Library Week, and Bookmobile Day. It’s also National Walking and No Housework Day! I’ll go along with all of that ;-) It seems Spring may have been whisked away on the winds of these warm-weather days in the desert, but it’s still cool enough to walk in the mornings.

One of my favorite poems:

A little Madness in the Spring

Is wholesome even for the King,

But God be with the Clown --

Who ponders this tremendous scene --

This whole Experiment of Green --

As if it were his own!

by Emily Dickinson 

The option IWSG question of the month is: Are you a risk-taker when writing? Do you try something radically different in style/POV/etc. or add controversial topics to your work?

Not intentionally, no. I think most writers would agree we want readers to like what we write. If by chance there are those who don’t, there are so many others to choose from. One of the greatest gifts a writer receives – even if posthumously – is endurance; the ever-present possibility of past success recurring.

“The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.” ~ Harper Lee


Do you have a favorite poem? Will you take a walk today?


  1. I will definitely take a walk today. It's unseasonably warm in Michigan for April. And I will also take advantage of No Housework Day! Can it be that day every day?

    1. Ha! I know I wish it could be every day ;-)
      Isn't it nice how thoughts of housework seldom invade a walk in nature?

  2. Some won't like us and that's all right.
    Spring and pollen have hit here full force.

    1. Yes, sir. My point exactly. Just have to keep thinking the good thoughts.
      Ugh, allergies. Did you know one of the largest natural pollinators in the world is the black and white ruffed lemur from Madagascar?

  3. I'm definitely going to walk the dogs today, but I hadn't really thought about poetry. I'll have to look into that later. Thanks for the motivation!

    1. Wishing you spring in your steps ;-)

      Happy walking!

  4. Hi Diedre - odd poems crop up at times ... never quite know why ... my recent posts trigger a few ... and of course it's Spring ... 'I wandered lonely as a cloud ...' by William Wordsworth ... happy days - Hilary

    1. Your recent post is lovely!
      ...a host of golden daffodils...A beautiful poem! Thanks for the inspiration ;-)

  5. It's No Housecleaning Day? Thank you so much.

    I'm in the middle of writing a character who isn't likable--her story arc demands it. I'm taking a lot of flak from my critique group, but am learning how to work around the "unlikability" factor. I think I may get an article out of this experience.

    1. I applaud you! I have no doubt your critique group will love where you go with this. Is this another YA? I enjoyed the diverse cast of characters in "Guilty".


Any thoughts? Join the conversation, comments welcome here!