One book leads to another...

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Return of The Blue Star Kachina

Ghosts are called spirits around the Four Corners area of Arizona and may be living or not, or human—or not.  But they did actually have a ghost town once; right around the 13th century when an entire settlement of people seemed to have left the dinner table for ketchup and never returned.  

Until their mysterious disappearance the prehistoric Anasazi Indians were nomadic hunters with, as their petroglyphs show, more than a passing interest in interplanetary travelers.  (Interestingly, this almost mirrors the story of the Mayans, though the two are not related)

Likewise the Hopi Indians (direct Anasazi descendants); highly skilled farmers have lived for thousands of years in the high, barren desert of Northern Arizona in a nation within two others in a peaceful manner though the relationship between the Hopis and the surrounding Navajos has always been somewhat strained due to ancient cultural differences.  Would you agree we can all relate to that?

One glaring difference may be that while many civilizations believe in Gods descending from the sky, the Hopis believe they came up from the ground. 

The reasoning behind this belief is based on what is called ‘star knowledge’ which details the planetary ‘cycles’ that basically predict world extinction.  For instance, according to the Hopi we are in the Fourth World or cycle; slated to end sooner than later. This particular ending of a cycle is called Time of the Blue Star Kachina. This star is otherwise known as Sirius.

Yet the Hopis remain unconcerned, confident that the Ant People (believed to inhabit the heart of the earth and resemble a cross between an ant and an alien) who provided shelter for the people of the First World when fire rained down, the Second World when it was encased in ice, and again in the time of the great flood, will indeed do the same a fourth time for the return of the Blue Kachina.

 ‘Star knowledge’ also contends that only seven inhabited planets shall remain of an original count of nine; two having blown themselves to bits.  Gasp! I wonder which two?  Accordingly, this explains why the Ant People chose to live on (or within) Earth in an effort to prevent its self-destruction.

I must admit, when I began this post it was the ghost town that (naturally) drew my interest but I soon found myself engrossed in a legend that has generated extensive research and conversation across the globe! Could there be extraterrestrials living among us and trying to save us from ourselves? Could the Anasazi and Mayans have been part of the ‘purified’ few at the end of a cycle?


  1. This is really interesting. I see a story here.

    1. Sure makes one wonder, doesn't it? I can see a few fun story angles but I'd be compelled to do a bit more research if only out of curiosity :-)

  2. Interesting legends. Makes one really wonder about a whole town gone at dinner. Did someone run in and say "Man, you've got to see this?!?!" And then everyone runs out to see and bam! catastrophe?!
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  3. The MC in one of my WIPs is Hopi and I did write about a Navajo tribe close by and the problems the two faced. I miss that story. I wrote it many, many years ago but then I lost three-fourths of it due to a computer error. I will write it again someday but not for a long time.

    1. Oh no! The angst you surely felt must have been enormous. I was all set to paste an entire blog when one of my girls came by to say hi, hit the keyboard with her big ole' paw and the page went blank! I could've cried.
      Hey, did you see the Running Man? I put it up just for you ;-)


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