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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Wild, Wild Best! F is for...

F – Is for Finch!  Only slightly larger than a hummingbird, these charming birds have the sweetest song I’ve ever heard (though some folks can’t even hear it). In my region there are two types; the Lesser Goldfinches are nomadic creatures and prefer semi-open areas with trees and brushy vegetation, while the House Finch happily accepts your home as his when water and plant seeds are plentiful.  He will help himself to the Hummingbird’s sugar water and don’t be surprised if you find a tiny nest in your hanging planter!

Or, Flicker!  The (Gilded) Flicker males are handsome in their own right; often with a red mustache and what appears to be a crocheted, cream-colored vest. But they can be as annoying as any obnoxious woodpecker when “calling” out their territory on metal objects or hanging at odd angles from the hummer feeders and spilling nectar everywhere. However, he is the kind of bird you wouldn’t mind at a picnic because he eats more ants than any other bird in America!

Fun Fact:  Southeast Arizona is one of the most interesting areas for birders in not just North America; folks come from all over the world to see our birds! 

A highly Unscientific Poll:  There’s a ton of fabulous frogs I could’ve written about as well, but I was advised (for the sake of the faint of heart?) not to. So what do you think, Frogs or Birds? Which do you find more interesting?

Happy A to Z Everyone!


  1. Finches are pretty. I don't see them here. :(

    1. They're so tiny it's hard to see them anyway. I have a feeder for them right outside my window - sometimes there are so many there is no vacancy!

  2. Well, frogs terrify me (and rabbits, too), so I'd much rather deal with birds (tiny birds only, though). That Finch looks so cute and the Flicker gives off a royal vibe, lol.

    1. Yeah, Flickers can be royal stinkers! I have one for every feeder! Grrr... :-)

  3. Here via the A-Z Challenge. Finches are very pretty birds worldwide, I think.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Helen! checked out your blog and thoroughly enjoyed your posts :-)


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