One book leads to another...

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Scent of Morning

In the delicate breeze a hummer sways on a bud-dappled branch to the soothing sound of gently tapping bamboo tubes, and beneath a marbled sky of pink and powder blue the scent of morning pervades the air with promise and for the moment, one grandiose moment, I am supremely content.

As I’m dressed in a red he can’t resist, the hummer soon alights on my shoulder and ponders the words on my page, then perches hesitantly atop the pen as if, he too, has something to say. Doesn’t everything in nature? I embrace the occasions to listen, no matter how fleeting.

For all too soon, as I drained my first cup of coffee the wail of a distant siren threatened to shatter the enchanted moment, yet the hummer remained. Then came the muted buzz of an electric saw (we are all early-risers around here), and regrettably, yet most unavoidably, I sneezed (dang allergies!) and the hummer took flight with the moment in tow. Aw, well. But I was left with a line of a song in my heart “The feeling remains even after the glitter fades…” ~ Stevie Nicks.  Yes, the feeling remains!

Don’t you just love a day that starts out great? I feel as if I can conquer anything and so much more, I just had to share! What’s your idea of a great start?

"We all need reminders to be our own dreamer and step out of the stories we create. I never turn away an opportunity to see life from this different perspective, to spend a moment walking with wings."


  1. Beautiful description! I don't think I've ever seen a hummingbird in real life.

    I hope you have more mornings like this, Diedre. :)

  2. Thank you, Chrys! I am fascinated by the tiny creatures and always have feeders on hand - even when we're camping! Wishing you beautiful mornings, too! :-)

  3. I enjoy morning. When I was younger--in my teens and early 20's-- I slept through a lot of them. Now I'm up at dawn if not when it's still dark. Summer mornings when it's still a bit cool and the birds are starting to stir are some of the best. I have so many morning memories.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Sounds wonderful, Arlee! I spent so many years rushing through each morning I hardly noticed at all. Now I take full advantage of every nuance!
      I too, love to hear the birds begin their morning chatter - it's as if I get to be the first to hear whatever they're so excited about. :-)

  4. A great start = a good night's sleep followed by a cup of coffee. Amen!

  5. A great start = a good night's sleep followed by a cup of coffee. Amen!

    1. Oh shoot yeah! Coffee is a must for me - I love it when mi vida turns the coffee maker on before I get up and the aroma wafts me out of bed! :-)


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