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Friday, April 10, 2020

A to Z - Historic Trivia - I


Interestingly, in the course of researching innovations, I discovered the word itself is somewhat revolutionary in that its meaning has evolved from a synonym for revolt or rebellion into a term for enhancement or improvement. 

Luther Burbank’s innovative blending of his Russet Burbank Potato practically launched the Idaho Potato Industry. First cultivated by the Inca Indians of Peru, the potato is now the fourth-largest food crop in the world. Idaho, as it happens, produces more potatoes and trout than any other state in the nation, and is known as the “Gem State” for the 72 types of precious and semi-precious stones it produces.  The Idaho state seal, depicting a miner, a woman signifying justice, and various state natural resources, is the only seal in the union designed by a woman.

Izzy Einstein (former pushcart peddler) and Mo Smith made history as improbable US Federal Police Officers in the early 1920s by making the most arrests and convictions (4,932 in all) during the Prohibition era by exploiting Speakeasies while using clever disguises. By 1930, the two had become so well-known their jobs were eliminated (as well as 35 others) within the department. After which they each sought employment in the insurance industry. A journalist wrote: “They are now disguised as cans.”

Ireland is the only country in the world to have a musical instrument as its national symbol. You can see some of the oldest harps in the world at Trinity College in Dublin. There are no, and never has there been, any snakes on the Emerald Isle (my favorite fun fact!). The Irish drink more tea than Britain – no, really, they do – and they may just have the oldest working lighthouse in the world. There has been a lighthouse where Hook lighthouse currently stands since the 5th century.


  1. Hi, diedre!

    How are you today, dear friend? I am enjoying this opportunity to learn through the topics you introduce in your A to Z Challenge. Etymology has always been of interest to me. I was not aware that "innovations" developed an innovative new meaning over time.

    I love Idaho potatoes and could eat them every day for dinner if Mrs. Shady would serve them. I appreciated learning more about the spud and other things for which the state of Idaho is famous.

    Izzy & Mo are lucky they weren't "made" while infiltrating speakeasies and making arrests. If identified, they might have been tracked down and harmed by those who operated speaks and those who frequented the establishments.

    I appreciate the fun and fascinating facts about Ireland. Knowing it is devoid of snakes, Ireland has become an even more attractive vacation or retirement destination.

    Have a safe and happy day, dear friend diedre!

    1. Hi Shady!

      No wonder they say the English language is difficult, huh?

      Oh, I'll have more trivia on Idaho as time goes by. The potato had the spotlight this time ;-)

      Good point about Izzy and Mo. It might have been their lack of experience that actually saved them.

      Thanks for chiming in, and have a terrific weekend!


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