One book leads to another...

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

A Dream or Two Ago

June is so full of celebrating the act of not working, i.e., Leave Work Early Day, Take a Hike Day, or Please Take My Kids to Work Day, the urge to enjoy might be too much to resist. So why not revisit or begin journaling? Or write an article, an essay or a trailer for your next bestseller? You could also sharpen your writing skills with any of the many great resources offered by the Insecure Writers Support Group, founded by Alex Cavanaugh, right here and right now on this first Wednesday of the month, when IWSG members convene through blogging, Facebook, and Twitter to talk about whatever is on our writing minds and agendas. See what we’re all talking about here.

A dream or two ago I had one in which I desperately searched, sometimes found and chased - my own creativity. Distracted by the ring of a telephone, I stepped into a phone booth and answered a busy signal. “All circuits are busy now,” a recorded voice droned as I awoke with a hammering heart and added one more line to my eleven page To Do list: Try Again Later.  Yeah, life is like that sometimes. No worries.

Funny, the things you think of while climbing shelves in a grocery store Benjamin Franklin evidently had the same problem reaching books in 1786 and proceeded to invent what he called the Long Arm: a long wooden pole with a grasping claw at the end. I could have used that invention that day at the store. Or, the tall woman who asked me to get my cart out of the middle of the aisle could have just reached what I was climbing for. If there is a “Be Kind to Short People Day” I’d sure like to know about it.  Have you ever had a Long Arm moment?

They said it couldn’t happen; that one could not survive. But here, my friends is proof that while not the fittest, my Jacaranda is alive! Wish I could say the same for my house plants. 

Over time, the ritual of hanging our flag as soon as we arrive at the cabin has become the self-appointed responsibility of our grandson. He even retrieves my little solar-powered Honey Bear from the closet and sets it on the porch rail. My heart swelled as I watched him go about these tasks (oblivious to the nearby gaping car doors with bags and boxes still inside), for as soon as he’d placed the flag just right he proceeded with a hand over his heart, to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  Had I even had a camera, tears might have bungled the shot, but the memory shall always remain etched in my heart. What’s your ‘etching’ moment?

The Cup Cafe'
Two years and 4 days ago, I wrote about a debonair outlaw named John Dillinger and his infamous misadventure at the landmark Hotel Congress. I was woefully remiss not to have mentioned the legendary Tap Room bar and its devoted bartender, Tiger. Having taken the job back in 1959, I can only imagine the captivating conversations he must have had over the years with iconic leaders and western legends alike. Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top fame still calls the place his favorite bar.  Thomas “Tiger” Ziegler turned 84 last month and still works at the Tap Room!  Next time I’m having a cup with friends at the iconic penny-floored Cup CafĂ©, I think I’ll sneak across the hall and see who Tiger might be talking to these days ;-)


  1. Hi, Deidre, nice to meet you. Awesome post. I've had many Long Arm moments, because I'm short. I just bought a long arm with a claw for my mom. I didn't know Ben Franklin invented it. I learn something new everyday.

    1. Hi Cathrina!

      Nice to meet you as well ;-) Thank you for the compliment, I enjoyed your post too, sharing your journey. There's much confidence to be had in numbers.

  2. Hi Diedre - lovely ... wandering lonely as a cloud comes to mind for some 'unrememberable' reason .. the mind does that! I was worried about ol' Ben .. but you reminded us of another of his inventions -I have something else to write about him ...

    The 'long arm' we sill use that today ... for other things ... eg picking things off the floor after I had my hip op ...

    Jacarandas are amazing ... in Pretoria - it's a sight to behold ... the blue haze astonishes ...

    Love the idea of your grandson - no come on let's do the important things ... forget the unpacking ... that's boring!!

    Clever lad - lovely read - cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary!

      As always, your comment is as pleasantly engaging as your posts, thank you!
      Come to think of it, I actually have a telescoping 'Long Arm' to assist in changing ceiling light bulbs at home. I wonder how well it would work with cans on high shelves in a grocery store ;-)
      I looked up Pretoria - absolutely breathtaking! Loved the quotes by Mandela.

  3. Hi Jen!

    Thank you, your post had the same effect on me!

  4. That is really awesome your grandson hangs the flag and says the pledge!
    My wife would love a be kind to short people day.

    1. Hi Alex!

      Thanks, we think so too.

      Cool! And even if we never get a day, we'll still be on our toes ;-)

  5. Hi, Diedre! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! The story about your grandson and the flag was sweet and heartwarming. "Born, braised, and still simmerin' in the southwest Arizona sunshine." Wow, my husband and I are trying to decide whether to relocate to southern Arizona or not. Right now we're actually glad to be in cooler Colorado. I'm not sure how you do it! I, too, often find myself climbing up grocery shelves trying to reach things and occasionally thinking very unkind things about rude tall people who could easily help me rather than grouse about my being in the way. Happy writing in June and may everything be in reach this month!

  6. Hi Fundy Blue!

    Glad you enjoyed my musings. It happens sometimes, when my muse is away ;-)
    Southern Arizona might be a bit of a shock, coming from cooler country. But northern Arizona is much like you're likely used to, fishing lakes and pines, campfire summers. The best thing about where I'm at is that you can be in the pines or at the beach (Mexico) in 4 hours.
    "May everything be in reach" Love that! Wishing you all things reachable as well ;-)

  7. Sweet post, and oh, your grandson and his Pledge of Allegiance. I have tears in my eyes from your description.

    1. Hi Mary!

      Thanks ;-) I did too, just watching him. It sure rekindled my faith in what he's learning in school these days.

  8. I enjoyed your post. It's great that you're creating those memories with your grandson.

    1. Hi Kim!

      Thanks for stopping by ;-) I was merely a witness this time, but yes, he's full of memorable surprises.

  9. I always wanted to be that cute short girl when I was growing up.

    Not being able to reach the top grocery shelf is difficult. That little grabber would be handy. I have taken to buying handicap grabbers and keeping them throughout the house. I have thought it would be good for my back. I think I'll carry one to the grocery store and I am 5'9" or at least I was at one time.

    I love your grandchild. The earnestness of a child is so precious.

    1. Hi Ann!
      That's a great idea; having grabbers around the house. I wonder if they make them for pulling weeds in the garden?

  10. Your post got me to reminiscing a bit. I remember telephone booths. I actually used to use them quite frequently.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Hi Arlee!

      I can't tell you when I've last seen a phone booth around town. Which is another thing that made the dream so strange ;-) I can remember small lines forming - typically on holidays - and how the page I needed in the phone book was usually missing ;-)


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