One book leads to another...

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Has It Been That Long?

“We have not the time to take our time” ~ Eugene Ionesco
 Uncounted are the seconds as we savor summer nights when the crackle of a campfire doesn’t quite call to mind the comfort of a fireplace in frigid winters past though the trickle of a thinning stream heralds change and falling leaves; concealing unobserved, our footprints, left in haste.

Unexpected is the dreary dawn when confident collars upend against the bracing wind of subtle change, and the roar of silence reigns with the sting of frostbite as we fear our tomorrows have  all run out and seek with fevered urgency the enchantment that once was. Has it been that long? In disbelief, we wonder.

Could this explain our actions when, with careful cause or reckless abandon, we sometimes rush headlong into, say, publication?  Been there. Done that.  And in a world that seems more impressed by quantity than quality, is it worth the obligatory ulcer? While some days are diamonds, some aren’t even gold-plated, so what keeps you going? What keeps that next sentence coming, that next paragraph flowing on a butter-side down day?

For me, a long walk, being in nature has the reassuring, as well as rejuvenating, effect of renewed purpose; as in everyone and everything.  I suddenly forget who I was mad at, why I ever thought for one second of abandoning the lively characters protesting in my head and that for just a moment, I almost lost hope.  But the value of having like-minded folks such as the Insecure Writer’s Support Group (where I’ve just imparted another rendition of my insecurities) around to share the adventure has proven immeasurable too.  I recommend it to everybody! Besides, much as I love them; I can’t talk to trees all day – ha!

Have you ever felt that time is running out?  What dissuades despair for you? 

Wednesday word(s):  Go Long!


  1. Hi, dear Diedre!

    Hopelessly left brained, with a background as a nonfiction writer, journalist and humorist, I admire people who are able to write fiction. I have tried my hand at it and couldn't bring my characters to life. I agree that getting outdoors, taking a walk and communing with nature has a rejuvenating effect and gets the words flowing again.

    I hope you are having a fabulous week, dear friend Diedre!

    1. Ha! Dear Shady, your remarkable talent precedes you! I think there's a lot of creativity in everything you write - fiction or non.
      That comfortable 'thermal belt' I live in seemed to have slipped over the last few days, but today promises to be as warm as toast and I am looking forward:-) Hope your week is wonderful as well!

  2. Long walks do the same for me. :) It helps clear my mind, or helps me work things out, and rejuvenates me.

    I love the IWSG. It has been so valuable to me.

    1. From the pictures you post it looks gorgeous where you are and can only enhance your walks - how nice!
      I do agree, the IWSG has been just the thing I've been sorely missing. It's amazing the confidence gained by simply sharing experiences :-)

  3. I live on the edge of a Provincial Park. The creek behind us and the animals and birds that enjoy it keep me grounded. I can really relate to your post, Deirdre. Nice to meet you!

    1. Hi Melodie! A park and a creek sounds enchanting - no wonder you feel so grounded:-) I get kind of jazzed myself when I have occasional staring matches with a coyote or bobcat, only to agreeably pass each other by...Nice to meet you too, Melodie!

  4. Hi Diedre, I take a good three mile walk about five times a day. Works wonders for me.

    1. Hi Stephen,
      Oh my dawg! Fifteen miles a day is indeed impressive! Makes my measly mile seem like a trip to the mailbox - ha! Thanks for stopping by, Stephen:-)

  5. Oh my gosh, yes. I always feel time is running out. I remember when I was trying to get published, I was counting the years and getting stressed about it. Someone would come in and say it took her "twelve years to get published" and everyone would gasp. I didn't want to be that person. It took me 20 years to get published (although I wasn't trying for seven of close to 12!). As for walks...they've found that exercise gets the blood pumping which increases the flow of oxygen to the brain, which is why you get such GREAT ideas while walking. Not sure why we get great ideas while showering!

    1. Ha - seems like I've been trying all my life;-) But considering work, family and the all encompassing business of living, I treasure every little milestone and try to not wince when I hear someone discussing their six or seventh book release. jeez.
      Your mention of ideas while showering makes me giggle - isn't it the truth? I have a shower tablet that sticks to the shower wall ( about half the time) for just those incidents!

  6. You give insecurity a sense of poesy. More and more I get that sense that time is running out and I can't keep up with its passing in an adequate fashion.

    Arlee Bird
    Wrote By Rote

    1. I feel the same, Arlee, and have to remind myself that we won't necessarily run out as long as we run on ;-) Day by day and word by word - the sweetest phrase I've ever heard.


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