One book leads to another...

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

IWSG March 2025


Welcome readers, writers, authors, and bloggers!

We're glad you're here! It's the first Wednesday of the month, and we celebrate IWSG Day in the form of a blog hop featuring members and guests of the Insecure Writer's Support GroupFounded by author Alex Cavanaugh (Thank you, Captain!) and fostered by like-minded associates, IWSG is a comfortable place to share views and literary news as we record our journeys. Check out our monthly newsletter here.

The awesome co-hosts for this month’s posting of the IWSG are:   Joylene Nowell Butler, Louise Barbour, and Tyrean Martinson!

 Today’s entirely optional question: If for one day you could be any one or thing in the world, what would it be? Describe, tell why, and talk about any themes or values are inspired by this.

I’d be the keeper of the hand-painted chalet where a silly wooden bird carefully marked our every moment, popping out of the door to remind us on the hour of every hour that passes every day that the treasure of each second should count and not be tossed away. Except for that fateful day, the family cat had her way and made off with one of the gently swaying pendulum weights, stilling the steady tick-toc and forever silencing the ever-cheerful bird.  However, in none of the handful of stories I’ve created about this event over the years, does the cat ever abscond with the weight like it did. No sir-ee. In one story the cat falls into the aquarium, in another story the dog tries to get involved, alerting Grandma to the devious endeavor going on, whereby cat and dog both are unceremoniously escorted out the back door. That ending still makes me smile;-) While no one ever admitted it, I think we all missed that silly wooden bird.

Then again, perhaps I’d be the sturdy tree by the river that heard all about our secrets, shared our tears, and triumphs, the one that allowed us to climb, and preserved our carvings as sacred etchings of our youth.  I’d be the tree that shaded us from the harsher hues of life even when our hearts rained, the constant friend that whispered, “It’ll be alright,” through skinned-up knees and grass stains. And it was. It just always was alright.

Okay. Your turn! Can’t wait to see what everyone has to say in response – or not, to the optional question.

Happy Writing!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

IWSG February 5th 2025


Welcome readers, writers, authors, and bloggers!

We're glad you're here! It's the First Wednesday of the month; when we celebrate IWSG Day in the form of a blog hop featuring members and guests of the Insecure Writer's Support GroupFounded by author Alex Cavanaugh (Thank you, Captain!) and fostered by like-minded associates, IWSG is a comfortable place to share views and literary news as we record our journeys. Check out the December newsletter here.

The awesome co-hosts for this month’s posting of the IWSG are:   Joylene Nowell Butler, Louise Barbour, and Tyrean Martinson!

 Today’s entirely optional question: Is there a story or a book you’ve written that you wish you could go back and change?

Hmm…I wish I had more illustrations of all the adventures Beanie had in his Backyard. However, as the inspiration for Beanie turns 18 years old today, I have to say I wouldn’t – couldn’t change a thing ;-)

 I didn’t meet my favorite illustrator until I wrote about a well-meaning kleptomaniac canine named Wilson, who charms an Ostrich in a hardware store parking lot into joining him as he playfully terrorizes the entire small town of Sawdust.

Of course, by the time I finished describing how easily love blossomed between a couple of teenage kids as they tried to keep the discovery of an old wooden chest full of American coins and keys unearthed by the tides on a beach in Mexico a secret, I knew I had the most outstanding title ever! Maybe even a choice between TWO of the most outstanding titles ever! And I didn’t use either one. Yeah, I’m kind of kicking the dirt over it – but the story is still fantastic (naturally, I think so, right?), and I’d wanted the title to be as well.

I anticipate at least a few changes as I fine-tooth several short stories I’d like to use in an upcoming collection of Stories for Children. I think I’ll let someone else choose a title ;-)

Must get back to planning the event of the year (?) I’m not so sure I didn’t skip my 18th birthday.

Have a wonderful February, everyone!

Happy Writing!



Wednesday, January 8, 2025

IWSG January 2025 She Led the Way


Welcome readers, writers, authors, and bloggers!

Happy New Year!

We're glad you're here! It's the First Wednesday of the month; when we celebrate IWSG Day in the form of a blog hop featuring members and guests of the Insecure Writer's Support GroupFounded by author Alex Cavanaugh (Thank you, Captain!) and fostered by like-minded associates, IWSG is a comfortable place to share views and literary news as we record our journeys. Check out the monthly newsletter here.

The awesome co-hosts for this month’s posting of the IWSG are:     Rebecca Douglass, Beth Camp, Liza @ Middle Passages, and Natalie @ Literary Rambles!

 Today’s entirely optional question: Describe someone you admired when you were a child. Did your opinion of that person change when you grew up?

When I was growing up, most kids had grandmothers; most of whom were widows who lived their remaining years with the families of the children they had raised. Most grandmothers cooked and cleaned, took care of laundry, and maybe tended a small garden out back while collecting a monthly stipend from the government for their husband’s military services.

My grandma was different in that her own two daughters had long been raised and gone as she worked full-time at a local grocery store where she stocked shelves and ran a cash register while raising two grandkids. By the time she was Lead Cashier, she had to soak her aching feet every evening. She didn’t have to have her hair done at the Beauty Parlor every Monday, but it was a treat she awarded herself after long work weeks and very busy Sundays when she took care of things a “good man would do if there was any to be had.”  Instead, she built the fence that encompassed our yard herself, serviced the evaporative cooler every year, painted the house, and changed the oil in her pride and joy; a light-blue Chevy Corvair.

Between arranging canned goods “just so” on store shelves all week and maybe rotating tires on the weekend, I imagined the little pink pillow with the silk pillowcase she slept on felt pretty good.

Grandma never complained and said it wouldn’t do any good. “Arm yourself with solutions to problems you want addressed by someone else.” she’d say.

No. Grandma didn’t cook or clean. But she ruled the roost and kept the bills paid while her own Mother (Mamo) took care of the household chores and kept us kids fed and on time for school each day. Mamo had coffee, toast, and the morning paper ready for grandma to read each day before she went to work. Grandma read the evening paper every day as well, while she soaked her feet at night. She seemed to know something about everything, and was interested in any subject I ever brought up. If she didn’t have an answer, we’d find out together. She taught herself to read sheet music (whereas Mamo played by ear) and sometimes filled in on Sunday evening piano concerts. I was in junior high before I discovered Grandma was a closet poet, too.

In retrospect, all we had to do was follow along as she led the way.

Any changes that ever occurred in our relationship over the years could only ever have been in the intensity of the love, respect, admiration, and gratitude that remains ever-vibrant in my heart today, long after her passing.

In closing, I’m sharing a quote my grandma, and I thought was pretty spot-on ;-)


Patience is the ability to count down before you blast off