One book leads to another...

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

IWSG March 2022 - Before Flannel there was Aspirin


Welcome readers, writers, authors, and bloggers!

We’re glad you’re here! It's the First Wednesday of the month; when we celebrate IWSG Day in the form of a blog hop featuring all of the members of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Founded by author Alex Cavanaugh (Thank you, Captain!) and fostered by like-minded associates, IWSG is a place to share the fabulous views and exciting news that occurs along our fascinating writing journeys. Check out the March newsletter here.  Perusing the many tips and resources offered here is definitely worthwhile and highly rewarding, so pull up a comfy chair, or better yet -  join us!

Our awesome co-hosts for this month's posting of the IWSG are: Janet Alcorn, Pat Garcia, Natalie Aguirre, and Shannon Lawrence!

This month’s optional question is:

Have you ever been conflicted about writing a story or adding a scene to a story? How did you decide to write it or not?  No, but others have. So I waited for a “more appropriate time” to post or publish.

Is everyone ready to March into Literacy? Who needs an excuse, right?

I loved reading aloud to kids at the library for afternoon Storytime. One of the most requested stories was “The Lorax” by Dr. Seuss (It’s his birthday month!) another was “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein. Does anyone remember “The Wind in the Willows” by Kenneth Grahame?

Trees seem to be a staple in literature, none more commonly mentioned than the Willow. And rightly so since they’re associated with magic and folklore as often as romance and medicine. The Willow is not only the smallest woody plant; it is also the fastest-growing plant in the world. It can grow as much as 10 feet in a single year and can easily reproduce (with enough water) from broken twigs and leaves. Native Americans across the Americas and animals alike knew of medicinal qualities in Willow tree bark long before associate chemists synthetically altered the substance (to make it more tolerable for human consumption) for their employer Bayer AG, who named it Aspirin in 1899.

In honor of Women’s History Month, I could easily go on and on about Emily Dickinson, Harper Lee, Emily Bronte, or Virginia Woolf. Instead, however, because the year is young, I’d like to give a nod of gratitude to the woman who radically changed the lives of many stereotypically squeezed women the aforementioned esteemed authors wrote about, a woman by the name of Susan Taylor Converse.

If not for her invention of the Flannel Emancipation Suit in 1875, women might still be passing out all over the place for no apparent reason.

Who is your favorite Woman in History? What are you reading these days?

Stay safe, have faith, and happy writing!