Welcome Readers and fellow Writers, to the August 2018 virtual meeting of
the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Founded by author Alex Cavanaugh
and comprised of writing members just like you (and me), featuring writing
tips, resources, articles, contests and IWSG swag! See what we’re all talking
about here and join us as we share our writing
meet on the first Wednesday of every month – join us and enjoy!
As for me:
July was
incredibly eventful. Between praying for rain and teaching my Summer Kids about
the (then) upcoming Hunter/Buck moon and lunar eclipse, incidents and accidents
flew around my universe as if a poltergeist had been set loose in a shoe store.
But, in the
midst of it all, some rather outstanding
events coalesced into half a dozen new characters on my creativity shelf.
In lieu of a traditional rain dance, I
experienced my first ‘Splash and Dash’ carwash. I thought sure panic would set
it. Instead, I was reminded of the only cat (of many) I ever knew that actually
hated water. Cha Cha, the Garden Thief, was already on my shelf but now she has
a second chapter.
About a week
later, I reached for what appeared to be a used fireplace matchstick; lying on
the carpet, only to have it zip out of the room - with me in hot pursuit. Though
I couldn’t remember not wanting to
find something quite as much, I found the antagonist in the foyer, on the tile.
It was moving in that lazy, wavy motion reserved for all sidewinders – no
matter the age. Unaccustomed as I am to heroics, I threw the nearest, biggest coloring book I could reach on it, and
requested a “bigger book” (I know, I
should be shot) for back up. Only after I’d thrown the second book did I
wail in dismay “Aw, that’s a classic!”. The youngster who had provided the book
pointed to the coloring book and replied:
“That’s a classic, too.” Touché 😉
Two days
after that, when my heart rate had
returned to normal, I caught a glimpse of a fuzzy brown branch; bobbing outside
a window where only cactus grows. Dare I
even look? I wondered. This time I called for backup first, and he brought his
camera. It was not one, but two
velvet-antlered bucks; admiring
themselves in the glass – just in time for the full Buck moon!
ebbs and flows in a writer’s world, and while dusting an empty shelf can be
disheartening, there are wisps of literary magic floating everywhere, waiting
for us to grasp them. My shelf is almost
full again. How’s yours? Can a shelf of
creativity ever be too full?
Happy Writing!